Thursday, August 15, 2013


Well, I'm doing this.

I'll be doing all ten events...assuming I don't die in the first few.  Some things to look forward to:

Pig Rastle
I will literally be wrestling a pig into a barrel. I'm very nervous about this, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to wrestle a pig!  

Sportsman Challenge
I used to be a pretty good shot with a bow.  Knife throwing though...not my strongest.  I hope we get to chop some wood though.
Mounted Spear Throw 
I'm very excited for this one.  Of course, I'll be channeling my inner Game of Thrones character while doing this.
Water Sport Challenge
I feel like I might be really good at this one.  We'll see though.  Either way, I'm excited.  I love the water sports!
I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED to try this!!!
Here is a video if you don't know what it is.

On September 6th I'll be doing all of this plus five more events.  I hope I survive!

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