Saturday, August 24, 2013

Road Trip to Pennsylvania

Back in early July, a friend moved to Pennsylvania for work where he'll live for a year.  I made the cross country road trip with him to help him move.  Over the 4th of July weekend, we packed up a mini trailer and started off on a road trip to Pottsville, Pennsylvania.

 The Mississippi.

 New digs
 St. Clair, PA
 Pottsville, PA

Driving through Kentucky and West Virginia were my favorite places but I didn't actually take any pictures there.  I think I was too enchanted by the trees everywhere and how green it was to take any photos.  I would love to go back and stay in that area though.

Pottsville, to me, seems to be the epitome of small-town America.  I loved it.  35 hours of driving, 10 states, and one long flight home.  Yeah road trip!


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